Thursday, November 04, 2010

The Blinds

November 4th, 2010

When I was young and shared apartments, we always had a division of responsibilities. Every Saturday, each roommate's chores rotated. Everything got done (usually) and the work was divided evenly (mostly). Every so often, over the years, I look at some chore and think, "I sure wish I had a chore wheel and I could point to someone else whose turn it was to clean the bathroom or the kitchen or . . . ."

I hate being the "man of the house." I have learned that "if it is to be, it's up to me." Needless to say, a lot of things don't get done around here. But I do get to open the blinds and unlock the doors in the morning and close the blinds and lock the doors every night. Day after day, night after night. I love our blinds, but they represent the fact that I am in charge. The blinds are the least of the things I am responsible for. But they are always, always there, every day, every night.

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