Someone stole our smiley faces. The bums!
On our door at work, we have signs with sliding smiley faces to let people know where we are. to give them some idea of when we will return. One morning last week, I found that someone had stolen our smiley faces.
Sometimes it seems like life events have stolen my smiley face. I went out to lunch with a co-worker and she said that she doesn't see me smile anymore and that I always look stressed.
I feel I am constantly juggling doctor's appointments and medical tests, and shuffling and re-scheduling appointments, plus shopping and cooking for Mom's restrictive diet, keeping up with the household chores. Lots of driving. Lots of time on my feet. When anything extra or different is added into the mix, I feel like it's going to push me over the edge. And it seems like there is always something extra.
I am still dealing with legal items from my brother's death, which really bothers me. Perhaps it shouldn't, but it does. I hate dealing with bureaucracy. And then, it brings his death to the front of my mind again.
Too often, at the end of the day, my patience is worn thin and I don't have the level of tolerance I need for Mom. And I don't have the energy to do the extras that mean so much to her.
My goal, right now, is to get more sleep more consistently.
I sure miss my smiley faces.